Problems with bailiffs

If you have obligations to banks, credit institutions, individuals and entities, or companies such as District Heating, Electricity, Water Supply and others, be sure to seek legal assistance from a specialist in the field to ensure that your rights and interests are not violated . You can safely trust us with any issues with the bailiff, whether private – Private Enforcement Agent (PEA) or state – State bailiff.
Time limit for responding to an invitation from the PEA
You receive a call for voluntary enforcement or a Private Enforcement Agent (PEA) message. The practical response time for you is short. In order not to miss out fatal opportunities or deadlines, and to take adequate measures for debtor protection in such a situation, a professional opinion on your legal options is required. Keep in mind that missing out deadlines and opportunities can be fatal to the outcome of your case.
Assistance to the creditor when the debtor is inactive

We also offer assistance to the creditor who wishes to receive his money, but the debtor is inactive.
In this case, the lawyer will direct you what procedural steps to be taken against the debtor in order to reach a result, and also to minimize the costs that you will incur in the case.
We can help you
- When initiating and conducting enforcement cases
- When initiating and conducting enforcement actions for collecting maintenance, when the debtor does not pay it voluntarily
- When filing objections, initiating and filing declaratory claims for the invalidity of the amount you have sought, the claim of limitations
- When filing complaints against the actions of the enforcement agent
- When initiating and pursuing claims for cancellation of property transactions / transfers with which the debtor has reduced his property and damaged the interests of the creditor.